No enzyme? No problem! An accessible, scalable cloud-based solution for efficient MS-based endogenous peptidomics and immunopeptidomicsAmerican Society of Mass Spectrometry 2024, Anaheim CA, June 2024T.Griffin
De Novo Library Construction for Metaproteomic Analysis of Human DatasetsAmerican Society of Mass Spectrometry 2024, Anaheim CA, June 2024A.Rajczewski
An Update on the FragPipe Galaxy Tool for Proteomics WorkflowsGCC, Brno, Czech Republic, June 2024R.Wagner
Investigating Key Host, Microbial and Variant Peptides for Detection of Oral Cancer using Advanced Multi-omics Methods.US HUPO, Portland, OR, March 2024P.Jagtap
A Novel Microbe-Host Biomarker Panel for Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer in Routinely Collected Pap Test Clinical SamplesUS HUPO, Portland, OR, March 2024T.Griffin
Clinical Metaproteomic Data Analysis using Galaxy Training NetworkLSSURP2023, Minneapolis, MN, May 2023D.Bhuming
Bioinformatic Workflow for Metaproteomic Analysis of Host-Microbe Dynamics in Clinical SamplesUS-HUPO Conference, Chicago, IL. March 2023.P.Jagtap
Metaproteomics analysis of ground-truth dataset using predicted deep learning library searchingAmerican Society of Mass Spectrometry 2023, Houston, TX. June 2023.P.Jagtap
Clinical Metaproteomic Data Analysis using Galaxy Training NetworkLife Sciences Summer Undergraduate Research Program (LSSURP) Poster Session, Minneapolis, MN. August 2023.D.Bhuming
A Complete, Modular and Flexible Proteogenomic Pipeline For Peptide Neoantigen Dsicovery and VerificationAmerican Society of Mass Spectrometry 2023, Houston, TX. June 2023.T.Griffin
Data-Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry as a Tool for Metaproteomics: Cross-Laboratory Methodological Comparisons Using a Model MicrobiomeAmerican Society of Mass Spectrometry 2023, Houston, TX. June 2023.A.Rajczewski
Peptidomic characterization of protease activity and biomarker discovery of COPD pathogenesis associated with HIV in clinical BALF samplesAmerican Society of Mass Spectrometry 2023, Houston, TX. June 2023.M.Kruk
Investigating the Role of Microbial Proteins Found in Clinical Samples Relevant to Human DiseaseLSSURP2022, Minneapolis, MN, May 2022K.Do
Omicron, Delta Waves and Beyond: Variant-specific peptide panels for diagnosis, characterization, and surveillance of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants during the pandemicASMS 2022 Conference, MinneapolisS.Mehta
An integrated workflow for host-microbiota proteomics and targeted assay development to study host-microbe dynamics in clinical cystic fibrosis samplesASMS 2022 Conference, MinneapolisM.Kruk
“Bottom-Up against FIRE”: Comparing bottom-up proteomics and a modified Edman degradation methodology for automated, untargeted protein adductomics analysis within the Galaxy platform. ASMS and GCC 2022 Conference, MinneapolisA.Rajczewski
Comparing bottom-up proteomics and the FIRE methodology for untargeted protein adductomicsACS 2022 ConferenceA.Rajczewski
Identifying Microbial Proteins in Lower Airways of Infants and Young Children with Cystic FibrosisLSSURP2021, Minneapolis, MN, May 2021K.Do
Probing molecular mechanisms of tobacco smoke-induced lung inflammation via cell-specific multi-omic analysis in a murine smoke exposure model ASMS 2021A.Rajczewski
Tackling challenges in clinical metaproteomic analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid to characterize microbial contributors to cystic fibrosisASMS 2021M.Kruk
Advancing Mass Spectrometry-based COVID-19 diagnostics by identifying optimal biomarker peptides from emerging strains from non-invasively collected clinical samplesASMS 2021S.Mehta
ComPIL 2.0 and MetaNovo tools for metaproteomics searches within Galaxy: searching for needles in a HaystackGCC 2021R.Wagner
A rigorous evaluation of optimal peptide targets for MS-based clinical diagnostics of Coronavirus Disease 2019USHUPO 2021A.Rajczewski
Exploring chromatogram library-based data independent acquisition analysis using EncyclopeDIA within Galaxy frameworkBCC 2020P.Jagtap
Survey of metaproteomics software tools for functional microbiome analysisBCC 2020R.Sajulga
An Integrated Quantitative Proteogenomics Pipeline Reveals Non-Canonical Variant Peptides in Inflamed Colon TissueUSHUPO 2020A.Rajczewski
Evaluating customized database generation methods for metaproteomics analysis. Link to recording.ASMS 2020 RebootS.Mehta
An automated, accessible proteogenomic pipeline for high confidence detection and rigorous validation of novel peptide sequence variants in Galaxy-P. Link to recording.ASMS 2020 RebootA.Rajczewski
Developing multi-omic informatics workflows within the Galaxy platform to uncover cancer-microbiome interactionsITCR @ Salt Lake City, UT, USAP.Jagtap
imetaQuantome workflow: An integrated metaproteomics workflow for interactive, statistical and functional microbiome analysisASMS @ Atlanta, GA, USAS.Mehta
Metaproteomics powered by Metatranscriptomics: towards a multi- omic functional microbiome analysisASMS @ Atlanta, GA, USAP.Jagtap
Galaxy on site MetabolomicsGCC @ Freiburg, GermanyA.Eschenlauer
Tackling Analytical challenges in Cancer proteogenomics using Galaxy frameworkPSI @ Pune IndiaP.Jagtap
Integrative proteo-transcriptomics workflows within the Galaxy framework to explore the correlation between the expression of RNA and proteinsGCC @ Portland, OR, USAP.Kumar
Evaluation of moFF and FlashLFQ for label free peptide quantification in proteomic workflows within Galaxy-P Framework.GCC @ Portland, OR, USAS.Mehta
CRAVAT (Cancer-Related Analysis of Variants Toolkit) integration into Galaxy-P and extension towards proteogenomic studiesGCC @ Portland, OR, USAR.Sajulga
Galaxy-based multi-stage two-step database searching pipeline for improved proteogenomics and metaproteomics analysisBICB SymposiumP.Kumar
Galaxy-based multi-stage two-step database searching pipeline for improved multi-omics analysisUS-HUPOP.Kumar
Using HUPO Proteomics Standards With Software Inputs and Outputs for Galaxy-based Multi-omic InformaticsUS-HUPOT.McGowan
Evaluation of precursor-based peptide quantification software tools within the Galaxy frameworkUS-HUPOS.Mehta
Adding another horse to the carriage: using ERLIC-MS with RPLC-MS to help carry the load of expanding protein sequence coverage.ASMS @ SanDiego, CA, USAC.Guerrero
Unraveling the functions of microbiomes: A comprehensive evaluation of software tools for functional metaproteomics.ASMS @ SanDiego, CA, USAC.Easterly
Avoiding Fake news: Post analysis FDR tool for improving confidence in next-generation proteomic results.ASMS @ SanDiego, CA, USAS.Hubler
Slice and Dice: An accessible Galaxy-baed metaproteomic database sectioning approach improves taxonomic and functional microbiome characterization.ASMS @ SanDiego, CA, USAP.Kumar
Quantifying Functional Microbiomes: An integrated, quantitative metaproteomics approach reveals connections between taxa, function and protein expression in complex microbiomes.ASMS @ SanDiego, CA, USAP.Jagtap
From raw data to results on your screen: A suite of accessible software for comprehensice proteogenomic informaticsASMS @ SanDiego, CA, USAJ.Johnson
Evaluation of label-free peptide quantification tools and their application to multi-omic workflows within the Galaxy-P framework.ASMS @ SanDiego, CA, USAS.Mehta
Development and evaluation of Galaxy based one-click multi stage database searching pipeline for proteogenomics analysisBICB @ Rochester,MNP.Kumar
A Galaxy-based, multi-staged, two-step searching pipeline for improved peptide identification in next generation proteomic studiesASMS @ Indianapolis,INP.Kumar
Enhancing The Multi-Omics Visualization Platform (MVP) Plug-In For Galaxy-Based ApplicationsASMS @ Indianapolis,INT.McGowan
Multi-omic informatics in the cloud: Galaxy-P takes a ride on JetstreamASMS @ Indianapolis,INT.Griffin
Galaxy-Centered Lab Workflows To Organize Metabolomic AnalysesASMS @ Indianapolis,INA.Eschenlauer
Functional analysis of microbiomes by metaproteomics withing Galaxy frameworkASM @ New Orleans,LAP.Jagtap
From Start to Finish: a complete proteogenomic informatics environment implemented in the Galaxy platformASMS @ San Antonio, TXG.Onsongo
A Multi-omics Visualization Platform (MVP) Plug-in for Galaxy-based applicationsASMS @ San Antonio, TXT.McGowan
Complementary ERLIC and RPLC online separations significantly expand sequence coverage in MS-based Proteomic and Protegenomic StudiesASMS @ San Antonio, TXC.Guerrero
Galaxy-P: Recent developments and emerging applicationASMS @ San Antonio, TXT.Griffin
Democratizing and expanding the reach of DIA Mass spectrometry: Developing OpenSwath tools and workflows within user-friendly Galaxy-P platformASMS @ St.Louis, MOP.Jagtap
Metaproteomic analysis of human cervical-vaginal fluid in residual Pap tests: Insights into the cervical microbiomeASMS @ St.Louis, MOT.Griffin
Revealing Pathways In COPD-Associated Lung Cancer Via Large-Scale Quantitative Multi-omic AnalysisASMS @ St.Louis, MOB.Sandri
Plugging Proteomics Peptide-Spectral -Match visualization infor GalaxyASMS @ St.Louis, MOJ.Johnson
Flexible, accessible and reproducible workflows for Tandem proteogenomic and metaproteomic analysis using GalaxyP platformASMS @ Baltimore, MDP.Jagtap
The Galaxy framework as a unifying bioinformatics solution for ‘Omics’ core facilitiesABRF @ Alburquerque, NMP.Jagtap
Identifying Novel Peptide Sequence Variants from High Throughput RNA-Seq Data Via Flexible Proteomic Database Generation using the Galaxy FrameworkASMS @ Baltimore, MDJ.Johnson
Community-Based development and evaluation of biological mass spectrometry software via the Galaxy tool shedASMS @ Baltimore, MDB.Gottschalk
An Integrated Systems biology platform for complete proteogenomic analysisASMS @ Minneapolis, MNP.Jagtap
Reproducible Proteomic workflows using extensions to the Galaxy frameworkASMS @ Minneapolis, MNJ.Johnson
Quantitative Analysis of the C2C12 and Mouse Skeletal Muscle Proteomes using a Multiplexing StrategyASMS @ Minneapolis, MNM.Henderson
Building Proteomic Application Platforms for Cloud Computing Environments with CloudBioLinuxASMS @ Minneapolis, MNJ.Chilton
A comprehensive characterization of the pig islet proteome: PTMs, amino acid substitutions and novel isoformsASMS @ Minneapolis, MNE.Jong
Automated Quantification and Analysis of SILAC-iTRAQ Dual-labeled DataASMS @ Minneapolis, MNG.Onsongo
Galaxy-P: Transforming MS-based proteomic informatics via innovative workflow development, dissemination, standardization and transparencyASMS @ Minneapolis, MNT.Griffin
Investigating Key Host, Microbial and Variant Peptides for Detection of Oral Cancer using Advanced Multi-omics Methods.American Society of Mass Spectrometry 2024, Anaheim CA, June 2024P.Jagtap
Proteome Informatics Research Group (iPRG)ABRF, Minneapolis, MN, April 2024P.Jagtap
Clinical Metaproteomics Workflow To Study Host-Microbiome DynamicsUniversity of Vienna, June 2024P.Jagtap
A Novel Host And Microbial Biomarker Panel For Early Detection Of Ovarian CancerMinnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance, Minneapolis MN, May 2024T.Griffin
The Proteogenomics Shared Resource: From Novel proteoforms to microbiome functions in Cancer Using customized multi-omic ToolsMasonic Cancer Center, Minneapolis, MN May 2024P.Jagtap, T.Griffin
A Galaxy-based immunopeptidogenomic pipeline for neoantigen discoveryGCC,Brno, Czech Republic, June 2024T.Griffin
Clinical Metaproteomics Workflow To Study Host-Microbiome DynamicsGCC, Brno, Czech Republic, June 2024P.Jagtap
Enrichment Of Microbial Proteins For Mass Spectrometry-Based Clinical Metaproteomics StudiesCancer Microbiome Symposium. Minneapolis, September 2023P.Jagtap
Towards an integrated microbiome-host protein biomarker panel for early detection of ovarian cancer in routinely collected clinical samplesCancer Microbiome Symposium. Minneapolis, September 2023T.Griffin
Metaproteomics: Bioinformatic Workflow for Metaproteomic Analysis of Clinical SamplesAgharkar Research Institute, Pune (India). February 2023P.Jagtap
Bioinformatic Workflow for Metaproteomic Analysis of Host-Microbe Dynamics in Clinical SamplesFifth International Metaproteomics Symposium, Avignon (France). April 2023.P.Jagtap
Integrative Multiomics in GalaxyFifth International Metaproteomics Symposium, Avignon (France). April 2023.P.Jagtap, M.Arntzen
A meta-omics workflow to generate a novel host and microbial
biomarker panel for early detection of ovarian cancer
American Society of Mass Spectrometry 2023, Houston, TX. June 2023.S.Mehta
A Metaproteomics Bioinformatics Workflow To Study Host- Microbe Dynamics In Clinical SamplesHuman Proteomics Organization (HUPO) Conference, Cancun (Mexico). December 2022.P.Jagtap
Towards an integrated microbiome‐host protein biomarker panel for early detection of ovarian cancer in routinely collected clinical samplesMasonic Cancer Center Microbiome and Cancer Symposium, September, 2022, University of MinnesotaT.Griffin
An integrated galaxy-driven workflow for host-microbiota proteomics and targeted assay development to study host-microbe dynamics in clinical cystic fibrosis samplesGCC 2022, MinneapolisT.Griffin
METAPROTEOMICS: Promoting Functional Analysis of Microbiome through online educational resources.Colorado State University (ARC-BIO Webinar Series)P.Jagtap
Can data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry be used confidently for metaproteomics?ASMS 2022 Conference, MinneapolisP.Jagtap
FragPipe in Galaxy: Wrapper Implementation for a Complete Proteomics Tool SuiteGCC 2022, MinneapolisR.Wagner
Omicron, Delta Waves and Beyond: Galaxy-generated variant-specific peptide panels for diagnosis, characterization, and surveillance of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variantsGCC 2022, MinneapolisS.Mehta
Introduction to the Galaxy-P ProjectIIT Bombay, Mumbai (Maharashtra)P.Jagtap
Introduction to MetaproteomicsIIT Bombay, Mumbai (Maharashtra)P.Jagtap
“Bottom-Up against FIRE”: Comparing bottom-up proteomics and a modified Edman degradation methodology for automated, untargeted protein adductomics analysis within the Galaxy platform.GCC 2022, MinneapolisA.Rajczewski
Enabling Proteo-informatics Analysis via Galaxy-P PlatformCSIR-IMTech, Chandigarh (Haryana/Punjab)P.Jagtap
Our Experiments With Metaproteomics: Ten Years of Galaxy-PTata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai (Maharashtra)P.Jagtap
Our Experiments With Metaproteomics: Ten Years of Galaxy-PCSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula (Goa)P.Jagtap
Functional Microbiome Analysis Using Quantitative Metaproteomics within the Galaxy Framework.Special Seminar Series on Microbiomes organized by NSERC CREATE TECHNOMISE, University of OttawaP.Jagtap
Metaproteomics: Analyzing Microbiomes Using Proteomics.Tri-Service Microbiome Consortium Topical Meeting: Microbiome BioinformaticsP.Jagtap
Functional Microbiome Analysis Using Quantitative Metaproteomics within the Galaxy Framework.Special Seminar Series on Microbiomes organized by NSERC CREATE TECHNOMISE, University of OttawaP.Jagtap
Analysis of Functions Expressed by Microbiomes Using MetaproteomicsHUPO-Reconnect 2021P.Jagtap
Promoting metaproteomics: Empowering researchers through online, on-demand metaproteomics educational resources and training materials via the Galaxy platformInternational Metaproteomics SymposiumP.Jagtap
Promoting functional analysis of microbiome through online educational resources via the Galaxy PlatformProteomics Society of India (CCMB)P.Jagtap
Quantitative Metaproteomics in Microbiomes of Diverse Complexity via Data-dependent and Data-independent Acquisition Mass SpectrometryASMS 2021P.Jagtap
Metaproteomics as a tool to reveal microbial contributions to cancerCancer Microbiome UMN2021A.Rajczewski
Metaproteomics:Analyzing MicrobiomeUsing ProteomicsTSMC-Topical 2021P.Jagtap
Out of the shadows: Towards community‐based, reproducible informatics tools and workflows for integrative multi‐omic analysis.IRSA Annual ConferenceT.Griffin
Galaxy Resources for Educators and TrainersGalaxy Resources Webinar seriesS.Mehta
Quantitative Metaproteomics using Galaxy Platform: Measuring functional microbiome via Data-Dependent and Data-Independent Acquisition Mass spectrometry.GCC 2021P.Jagtap and S.Mehta
A Galaxy-based multi-omic workflow for discovery and validation of candidate neoantigen peptides for immuno-oncology.GCC 2021T.Griffin
A Galaxy-based evaluation of optical peptide targets for MS-based detection of SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples.GCC 2021A.Rajczewski
Galaxy Workflows for analysis of COVID 19 Mass Spectrometry datasets. Link to recording.ELIXIR - COVID analysis in Galaxy - FEB 2021S.Mehta and P.Jagtap
iPRG 2020 : Proteome Informatics Research Group Study on Metaproteomics. Link to slides.ABRF 2021 Virtual (March 2021)P.Jagtap and M.Palmblad
Linking genomes and proteomes for cancer research studiesThe MCC Proteogenomics Core - May 2020T.Griffin and P.Jagtap
Proteogenomics: challenges, applications and opportunitiesKDDW 2020T.Griffin
Data Science Using Galaxy-P Platform. Link to recording.ICDSB 2020P.Jagtap
Evaluating customized database generation methods for metaproteomics analysis within the Galaxy platform. Link to recording.BCC 2020S.Mehta
An automated, accessible proteogenomic pipeline for high confidence detection and rigorous validation of novel peptide sequence variants in Galaxy-P. Link to recording.BCC 2020A.Rajczewski
A Galaxy‐Based Multi‐Omic Informatics Hub for Cancer ResearchersNCI Data Science Seminar Series @ WebZoomP.Jagtap and T.Griffin
A Galaxy-based meta-omic approach for characterizing microbiome functional dynamics via integrated metaproteomics and metatranscriptomics abundance analysisASMS 2020 RebootP.Jagtap
Mass spectrometry-based multi-omics for studying health and diseaseRPI @ Troy, NY, USAT.Griffin
Functional Microbiome Analysis Within Galaxy FrameworkIMTech @ Chandigarh, IndiaP.Jagtap
Proteogenomics tools and workflows within Galaxy platformPSI @ Karnal, IndiaP.Jagtap
Working towards multi-omics integration: Tools and workflows within Galaxy-P PlatformElucidata @ New Delhi, IndiaP.Jagtap
Interactive Galaxy Visualization for Multi-omicsGCC @ Freiburg, GermanyR Sajulga
Rootless galaxy docker with Backup for our lab IntranetGCC @ Freiburg, GermanyA. Eschenlauer
Metaproteomics powered by Metatranscriptomics: towards a multi-omic functional microbiome analysis within GalaxyGCC @ Freiburg, GermanyP Jagtap
A "Divide and Conquer" approach to address peptide-spectrum matching challenges of large sequence databases in next generation proteomic applicationsASMS @ Atlanta, GA, USAP Kumar
More than just a list: An accessible and flexible informatics environment for proteogenomicsASMS @ Atlanta, GA, USAT Griffin
Galaxy Metabolomics from the Ground upPAG@ San Diego, CA, USAA. Eschenlauer
Multi-Omics with Galaxy for Diverse Biological ApplicationsPAG @ San Diego, CA,USAT.Griffin and P.Jagtap
Introduction to ProteogenomicsBioinformatics solutions for ‘Big Data’ Analysis - DEC 2018P.Jagtap
Introduction to Proteogenomics IIBioinformatics solutions for ‘Big Data’ Analysis - DEC 2018P.Jagtap
Perspectives on ProteogenomicsBioinformatics solutions for ‘Big Data’ Analysis - DEC 2018P.Jagtap
Tackling Analytical challenges in Cancer proteogenomics using Galaxy frameworkPSI @ Pune IndiaP.Jagtap
Omics, Comics and Metaproteomics: Analyzing Microbiomes using ProteomicsSaturday Meet Program @ Pune IndiaP.Jagtap
Slice and Splice: An accessible galaxy-based metaproteomic database sectioning approach improves taxonomic and functional microbiome characterizationIMS @ Leipzig, GermanyP.Kumar
Metaquantome: An integrated, quantitative metaproteomics tools reveals connections between taxa, function and protein expression in microbiomes.IMS @ Leipzig, GermanyP.Jagtap
Survey of metaproteomics software tools for functional microbiome analysisIMS @ Leipzig, GermanyP.Jagtap
Multi-omic informatics for characterizing microbiomes and their role in health, disease and environmentIMS @ Leipzig, GermanyT.Griffin and M.Arntzen
Galaxy-based multi-stage two-step database searching pipeline for improved multi-omics analysisUSHUPO @ Minneapolis, MN, USAP.Kumar
Proteo-transcriptomics workflow exploring correlation between the expression of RNA and proteinsGCC @Portland, OR, USAP.Kumar
Galaxy-P: an accessible resource for multi-omics analysisLorne ConferenceM. Doyle
Quantifying Functional Microbiomes: An integrated, quantitative metaproteomics approach reveals connections between taxa, function & protein expression in complex microbiomesGCC @ Portland, OR, USAC.Easterly and P.Jagtap
Reproducible and robust quantitative functional analysis of metaproteomes using the Galaxy platformUSHUPO @ Minneapolis, MNC.Easterly
From Raw Data to New Discoveries: Towards a Complete Proteogenomic Informatics SolutionUSHUPO @ Minneapolis, MNT.Griffin
A Galaxy based Multi-Omic Informatics hub for Cancer researchersITCRT.Griffin and P.Jagtap
Quantifying Functional Microbiomes using MetaQuantome:
An integrated, quantitative metaproteomics tool reveals connections between taxa, function and protein expression in microbiomes.
HUPO @ Orlando, FL, USAP.Jagtap
Complementary ERLIC and RPLC online chromatographic separations for discovery of protein sequence variants via LC-MS-based proteogenomicsHPLC@Jeju, KoreaT Griffin
Approaches to uncovering the ‘dark’ proteomeBMBB retreat@Itasca,MNT Griffin
GalaxyP: A Galaxy Proteomics CommunityGAMe@Melbourne, AustraliaI Cooke
Functional Microbiome analysis using metaproteomics within Galaxy FrameworkUniversity of Chicago, ILP Jagtap
Metaproteomics for the future: Democratizing functional analysis of microbiomes via community based informatics development and dissemination   [Video]ASMS @ Indianapolis,INP.Jagtap
Metaproteomics for the future: Functional microbiome analysis community based informatics development and disseminationIMS @ Sardignia,ItalyP.Jagtap
Advancing metaproteomics research via comminity based informatics development and disseminationGCC@ Montepelier, FranceP.Jagtap
ProteogenomicsPersistent @ Pune,IndiaP.Jagtap
Proteogenomics in Galaxy: Identifying Novel ‘Constellations’ of Proteoforms using Transcriptomic and Proteomics Data   [Video]GCC @ Bloomington,INP.Jagtap
New biochemical discoveries made possible by multi-omicsUW@LaCrosse,WIT.Griffin
Embracing complexity and diversity: Metaproteomics within the Galaxy framework   [Video]GCC @ Bloomington,INP.Jagtap
The Galaxy platform for Multi-omic data analysis and InformaticsABRF @ Fort Lauderdale,FLD.Clements
Embracing complexity and diversity: Discovery Metaproteomics of multiple microbiomes using the Galaxy frameworkASMS @ San Antonio, TXP.Jagtap
Search GUI and Peptide Shaker deployed in the Galaxy framework: A powerful informatics platform for protein identification and beyondASMS @ St.Louis, MOI.Cooke
Proteomics data analysis using Galaxy-PCMSP @ FerringtonP.Jagtap
Galaxy-Based Peptide Shaker tools and applications with a focus on downstream applicationsASMS @ St.Louis, MOI.Cooke
The Galaxy framework as a bioinformatics solution for proteomics and multi-omics studiesABRF @ St.Louis, MOP.Jagtap
Proteogenomics and Metaproteomics using the Galaxy PlatformMultiomics_Talks @ CCMB, IndiaP.Jagtap
Proteogenomics and Metaproteomics using the Galaxy PlatformMultiomics_Talks @ IICT, IndiaP.Jagtap
Proteogenomics and Metaproteomics using the Galaxy PlatformMultiomics_Talks @ Delhi, IndiaP.Jagtap
Public Sharing Of Complex MS-Based Qualitative And Quantitative Proteomic Data Analysis Workflows: Adding Value To Big Data RepositoriesASMS @ Baltimore, MDT.Griffin
The Galaxy framework as a unifying bioinformatics solution for ‘omics’ core facilitesGCC @ Baltimore,MDP.Jagtap
Large scale multi-omic data integration and analysis: Challenges and OppurtunitiesBICB symposium @ Rochestor, MNT.Griffin
Metaproteomics: and opportunity-rich complement to metagenomicsMetagenomics Supergroup @ Minneapolis,MNT.Griffin
DIA : Learnings from AlburqurqueABRF @ Alburquerque, NMP.Jagtap
The Galaxy framework as a unifying bioinformatics solution for Multi-omic data analysisABRF @ Alburquerque, NMP.Jagtap
Galaxy-P Update:Project-Based Approach to Developing resources for Proteomics Research MSI @ Minneapolis,MNP.Jagtap
Galaxy-P for ProteomicsGCC @ Chicago,ILP.Jagtap